Festival Scores
Judges Login
Judges may login during assigned judging dates.
Event Tag

Email Address


Judges Tutorial Video
Judging in Festival Scores
Reminder to Judges
All scoring work must be complete by the ending date.
Judging access will close at 11:59:59 PM (CT) on the ending date.

Contact Festival Scores if you need assistance with a login.
Judge profiles are specific to each Audition Event, as identified by the Event Tag. Profiles are created by the organizer.

Participating Directors who are Judges
If you are a Participating Director in the event you are judging (ie, activated Event Tag), check your Director account for a Judging button in the Audition Events screen. An individual director can be assigned as a judge to more than one event.

Invited Judges
Judges who are not Participating Directors must login here.
Upcoming Judging
Event Tag Begins Ends
8Y3T5F6 Jan 11 Jan 18
CS2HSYY Jan 11 Jan 18